10 November 2006

We Salute You
Here's to the bravest people on the planet

This weekend we'd be remiss if we didn't express what we're sure is a common admiration and awe of our U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and National Guard veterans, who have protected and served we Americans nobly and unflinchingly in the face of overwhelming danger, regardless of the legitimacy or inanity of their appointed mission.

We could never repay you for the job you've done and continue to do. We both have family who have served or continue to serve the country and much of the country has or does as well. It is a beautiful thing, in its own way, not that we must have these protectors in a world that does not "play nice" but that these protectors in fact exist. Our greatest language of courage and heroism comes from the battlefield, and rightly so.

"Non sibi sed patriae"
"Semper fi"
"Un ab alto"
"This We'll Defend"

Oh, and not to play favorites, but Happy Birthday USMC.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


/daughter o' a Marine with a badass sailor tattoo.

11/10/2006 4:27 PM  
Blogger Brendan said...

Here's to the best man I know, my grandfather, Naval Chief Petty Officer Sid Rogak (WWII), and my mom, who turns forty-something tomorrow.

11/10/2006 4:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a much-loved young niece in the military serving in Iraq right now. Bless her and all those who serve with her, and all those who have served before and will serve after.

11/10/2006 5:13 PM  

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